Friday, November 5, 2010

Pumpkins and planters and mums, oh my!

I am really late with this post....oops!

Trey went to Home Depot and grabbed two pumpkins for us to make our front porch a little bit more decorative for the season.  He also placed the iron table and chair set on the front to fill in a bit of the extra space between the ferns which he has been ever so carefully caring for since we moved in. 

A few weekends ago we went to the pumpkin patch with Hayes, Kristin, David, and Debbie and grabbed two more pumpkins which we affectionately refer to as Charlie (the little one) and Albert (the larger one). 

Trey also picked out some lovely mums for the front which used to sit on the front corners of the porch, until Alexa got a hold of them! 

I couldn't find a set of planters that I liked at Home Depot, so I went to Hobby Lobby and found these sweet ceramic ones at 50% off!  Alexa separated one of the mums (4 different plants) in half and put each half into one of the new planters. 

We then placed them on the steps next to our Home Depot pumpkins and voila, we are ready for fall!

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